Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Sleeping Outside

Saturday night was absolutely gorgeous here - cool with a little breeze and no mosquitos. We took the kids to the opening of a new exhibit at the local art museum, had an impromptu dinner gathering with friends, and then while Anna and I rode our bikes to Carm's house for banana cream pie, Dave made a fire. Relaxing it was. To top it all off, Dave mustered the energy to first find the air mattress ("No, it's not in the attic, nor the 2nd floor closet, maybe it's in the basement...") and then fill it up ("I guess the pump needs new batteries, I'll be right back..."). So, for the first time in like 30 years, we slept under the stars. From our small vantage point of dark blue sky (about 9x9) we saw a wonderful array of stars and the Big Dipper. In place of water lapping at the shore, I heard cars driving by, the crackle of a fire and eventually, the soft snores of Davey-baby. It was ever so peaceful.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds fantastic. I am jealous. I have enjoyed all your posts lately. Such a nice tribute to your father.
