Monday, June 05, 2006

First "Real" Grill

Saturday night Dave proved himself worthy of the title, "Grill Master" once again. He is known to numerous acquaintances as the "Husband who cooks AND does laundry" and, although he deserves this title, it sometimes leave me feeling a bit inadequate in the wife department. A feeling that was definitely not all in my imagination once a few years ago when a friend of a friend said to me, "So, if he does all that, what exactly do YOU do?!" I think her reaction was part disbelief, part jealousy, and part anger at her own situation (I got the impression her husband didn't do much except sit on the couch and watch sports). Anyway - it made me rethink our situation - for about five seconds - before I thought, "I deserve it, don't I?!" Just kidding - it did help me to rethink things and try to do more in the kitchen and the laundry room, but most importantly to be grateful for all he does.

Back to grill night - the menu consisted of buffalo wings, blue cheese, corn-on-the-cob, salad, and carrots. Mmmmmm! Although Dave thought maybe I shouldn't give away his buffalo wings secret, he ultimately decided buffalo wings are too good of a thing to be had only at the BelmontFive household. So, take careful note of the bottle below... and enjoy some for yourself. If your significant other decides to make the wings for you - all the better!

1 comment:

  1. Marci -- You realize that as a still-single gal, Dave sets a precendent for me... I thought ALL husbands cooked and did laundry? Are you telling me they don't? :)The BBQ looks delish... I am hoping to get in on one of those soon. Yum! (PS Thought of you when I drove through Cando last night)
