Thursday, January 24, 2008

Trying to stay warm...

I've got a new favorite spot in our house. It's a place to go when I'm chilled or just need a quick warm up. It's not a fireplace or the front of the open stove after taking something out of the oven. It involves a blanket and a cozy chair and a heat source and reminds me of Dad laying on top of the living room radiator at our old house, trying to get warm. Have you guessed the spot yet?

No, I didn't think you would; after all it's taken me almost three years to find it. My spot, as I like to think of it, is beside the small electric radiator in the family room. I move the rocker chair out from the wall and put my feet on the brick wall - about two feet above the radiator. Then I cover up with a blanket and a cup of coffee or tea and feel the heat reach my feet, then my calves and finally my entire body. It's perfect for reading, watching TV or even typing on the laptop - as I'm doing now. It's not so good for carrying on a conversation however. In that case it's rather like talking to a brick wall. Ha!

What's your favorite warm-up place?


  1. My tubby. Hot water. Lots of bubbles. PJs within reach. Then, my bed under the covers. TV on. Magazine in hand. Cup of hot tea on my table. The coziness of winter--even in Georgia!

  2. I have lots of great warming up places: hot showers, hot baths, snuggling in my bed under 3 down comforters, etc. But this winter, my favorite warming up place has been the fireplace. If I need to get warm quick I stand in front of it until I'm so hot I can't stand it. If I am in the mood to relax, I snuggle next to it with a big cozy fleece blanket that has a pocket for my feet. Mnnnnnn. Toasty.

  3. Ha! Marci I could have told you about THAT spot. When I've been child caring at your house I sometimes grab a blanket and sit on the floor with my side hugging the electric baseboard thingy... I am a heatseekers... I can't help it!

    Your way sounds a bit more comfy, eh?
