Saturday, June 16, 2007

I Hate Snakes

As a homeowner, I'm never surprised by what I might find - sometimes it's an old dishtowel stuffed in a wall to hold back a cold breeze while other times it might be a bra in the laundry chute. When we lived in Lakeville I investigated Dasher's barking and was shocked one rainy spring night to find a turtle standing almost upright against the sliding glass door - scratching and trying to get in. (I even videotaped it because I knew Dave, who was working the late shift at Applebees, would never believe me.)

The other night, (of course a dark and rainy one with Dave out of town) I looked through the window and saw it -a snake poised to strike, wrapped up in the vines and leaves that cover the chimney. My heart raced faster and faster and I peered closer and closer - knowing that at least there was glass in between us. And then I figured out - it wasn't a snake after all but a rather large vine twig that did, after all, have the appearance of a snake. Needless to say, I didn't videotape it for Dave, nor did I tell him. :)

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