Friday, March 07, 2008

This week's "Guess What Was Cooking" game...

Remember the last contest? The one where you had to guess the shape of the pie dough? This game is a little different - but still has to do with cooking and odd shapes. So, what's your vote on this lovely number that came out of the oven - is it turkey or homemade bread?

If you guessed homemade bread, you're a winner...but then again you were probably in the kitchen and could smell the aroma of fresh bread. I think I did a few things wrong in my baking - I used whole wheat flour without changing any of the ingredients, I let it rise too long, and I didn't form it into a loaf shape very well... or very tight. But, it gave the kids and me a big laugh when I took it out of the oven. And, it still tasted mighty nice.


  1. Ha ha...I TOTALLY thought "Turkey!" when I first saw it, but it didn't look QUITE, after a closer look (and before reading on - I promise!), I decided it MUST be some sort of bread. Funny post! :-)

  2. I thought it was an emu.

  3. I was going with goose, but as bread it still looks delicious and makes for a beautiful center piece!
