Monday, March 24, 2008

Chalking Up Some Easter Eggs...

Check out these beautiful Easter Eggs handmade by the kids - with the help of Grandma Kathy. In the spirit of Pioneer Woman Cooks, I'll lay out all the steps for you so you can try it for yourself next year.

Here are the ingredients - a dozen eggs, hardboiled of course. Chalkboard paint, a small paintbrush, and regular old sidewalk chalk.

First, take one egg and apply a coat of black chalkboard paint over its entire surface. This gets a little tricky, especially for those small hands, so we did use some plastic measuring cups (like you get from TANG) and placed the egg on it once one half of it was painted.

When each egg is painted, place it back into the egg carton to dry. Wait an hour or two before putting on the second coat of chalkboard paint. During this time you may need to turn the eggs a bit as we found they did stick to the styrofoam carton. This may not be a problem if you use a paper carton.

After the second coat, let the eggs rest overnight and then get out the sidewalk chalk and get creating. Once this step is done, take the eggs outside and holding the egg an arm's length away, spray it with hairspray to let the chalk set. If the chalk disappears, don't get scared. As the hairspray dries, the color will come back. Finally, arrange the eggs in a basket with colored grass and enjoy them. BUT - I wouldn't recommend eating them.


  1. Wow! I love this idea! We are definitely going to try it in the future.

  2. I'm still working on the posting - trying to figure out how to get the pics to show up better. You are FAST! :)

    I thought you might like this idea!Marci

  3. VERY cool kids would LOVE it! :-)

  4. Marci, it was great to see you tonight! It was so much fun to get together with so many friends, and for such a good cause.

    (Told you I read your blog!)

