Saturday, November 20, 2010

Just write...

A few months ago someone asked me why I wasn’t blogging anymore. At the time we were in the teacher’s lounge surrounded by people I was just getting to know so all I said was something to the effect of, “Life is too sad right now.” But since she said that I’m reminded of advice I gave Sophie this summer when our lives changed in an instant – “Write about your feelings Sophie, just write.” Don’t worry – I’m not planning on sharing the most intimate details of the past five months with you, but I do think it’s important to take my own advice and start writing again. So here we go…


  1. me too. I need to start blogging again. I've let the busyness interfere lately and I am looking forward to reading your updates and writing some of my own. Go Marci! (High kick!)

  2. Lisa Vendsel Haman9:11 AM

    Marci: I am glad to see you online blogging again! I enjoy reading about your family! I giggled as I read your post about cheerleading....and thought it is sure good that not everyone enjoys the same thing....because as you know....I LOVED cheerleading! I also just wanted to share some words of wisdom that my brother Jason shared with me.....about 6 years ago when I went through about the same experience with my family that you are going through..."THIS TO SHALL PASS"....keep your heads high and know that it will! And know that I completely understand how you are feeling....If you ever need to talk....I'm hear with a listening ear and understanding heart! Enjoy the Holidays! Lisa (Vendsel) Haman

  3. Thanks Lisa - you did love cheerleading! AND you were great at it... I was actually thinking good thoughts about you when I was writing it. Thanks for the words of encouragement; I appreciate it.
