Friday, January 15, 2010

Let's start again

I know it’s been a very long time since I last blogged – and so much has happened in that time. But to be honest, I just couldn’t do it anymore. More and more in the last few months that I did blog I felt like a big fake. You know the person, the perfectly coiffed woman whose children always have matching clothes and socks and never, ever have a (GASP!) bouger (sp?) hanging from their cute little noses.

Well I’ve never claimed to be perfectly groomed. In fact last September I saw an old college roommate at a funeral. I haven’t seen her in a few years and she commented on how I haven’t changed a bit – still unafraid to go out in public straight out of the shower – wet head and all.

I’ve also never claimed to have perfect children. I’m sure any walker or runner who frequents Belmont Road can attest to the fact that I have, at times, yelled at my children or the dog. Yelling at my husband – not so much.

So why did I feel like a fake? Probably because it felt like I was only providing a glowing picture of family life to the world – I never blogged about those times I lost it and yelled at the kids, or the times I let them stay in their pajamas and watch TV all day long so I could finish reading a book in the living room.

Rarely did I write about the talks with teachers, sisters, sisters-in-law, friends or Mom and Dad – doubting our ability to keep raising these kids the best way we think possible.

So I felt like a fake – our world is not perfect – far from it – and I stopped writing. But, as long as we all understand that aspect of the blog I think I’m ready to begin again. The blog is meant to capture moments that are precious at the time, but sometimes fade in our memory, to post pictures so relatives near and far can see the kids growing, and to (once in a while) vent about life’s frustrations. But please remember, behind the pictures and the stories we are real people living real lives.

So here goes…

The Last Nine Months Recap (more, possibly, to come later…)

• The Johnsons made it through the Fargo/Moorhead flood. We missed them when they were gone but they were happy (oh-so-happy) to be back together as a family again.
• I took a job as a librarian at a local Catholic school. It’s part-time and I love it.
• I’m back in school again – to get my librarian’s credential. Picture my side of conversation with Dave, “I guess my Ph.D. isn’t really my terminal degree… Yes I really do need a librarian’s credential to teach…Yes I’m learning a tremendous amount…. Did you send in the tuition check? Oh, what about paying for those textbooks? … Thanks honey!”
• Lucy and John attend the same school where I teach. It’s wonderful to see them each day. And the best news is I think I’ve only embarrassed John once. (That was their big concern when we discussed them switching schools.)
• Sophie has welcomed middle school with open arms and is having a wonderful year at Schroeder.
• Dave is still next door – plugging away at insurance business. But the big news is he is actually reading more fiction books – yeah!
• Dave’s oldest sister, Roberta, found out she has leukemia and has spent many months in the hospital since September. Please, please, please keep her in your prayers.
• I’ve finished two quilts since September – one for Roberta and one, with the help of all the other teachers from St. Mike’s, that was then raffled off as a fundraiser for our school secretary.

There was so much more – but I’ll have to try to remember it as we go along.


  1. Oh you are just so precious. I guess I know the behind the scenes stories and the bloggie side of things too and love them all. I like the way you described the blog--it's a scrapbook, a memory book, a place to vent, to celebrate, to simply write. Welcome back. I am always here waiting for the next post on the Family of Five!

  2. 1. I am SO happy to see this post! I have missed reading things you write so, so, so much! I clicked on your blog almost every day for months hoping you'd be back!

    2. I go straight from the shower to wherever I'm going with a completely wet head every day, including Sunday church. I figure people can just live with it. They'll get used to it.

    3. I OFTEN feel just the same about the things I write about on my blog. The nasty parts of family life don't make it to the blog very often. Maybe that's good because when my kids are older they won't have to read about it, BUT I do wonder about it telling only the happy side of the story and not all the anxiety, tumult and PAIN involved of raising kids. Oh the pain. Pain pain pain.

    4. Congratulations on your library job! I've always wanted to be a librarian secretly, especially in a school because that would be far less boring than let's say a college library. I am not, however, nearly ambitious enough at this time to go back to school. And I'd miss all those fun piano lessons. I love the dewey decimal system, and I love volunteering at Sarah's school library.

    5. I'm so glad you're blogging again. In the long run, it really is so worth it: a collection of all those little days a person so quickly forgets.

  3. I miss seeing you as much...but with our girls getting bigger, we're going in different directions and doing less sitting at the studio, huh?

  4. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Please never stop! I've only read a little of your blog, but I think it's really cool!
