Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Shoelaces, the Back Door and a Face Plant

Be warned - never be in such a hurry to get out the door that you don't bother to tie your shoelaces. Especially if they're long shoelaces. Especially if you're also carrying a hot cup of coffee. And especially if you're used to slamming the door shut (hard) behind you.

Because if you do, you might just get both shoelaces caught in the door and pitch forward as you try to walk - resulting in a loud scream, an unexpected tossing of the coffee cup, and a hard landing on the concrete steps.

But if you're lucky your face might land exactly where the next step goes down so it doesn't hit the concrete, the coffee cup might hit the patio block and shatter, but not enough to cut you, and you might be able to twist around enough to pull at least one shoelace out the door and hoist yourself up.

And then you might complain of a sore wrist, two sore palms, a sore chest, and one swollen knee. But at least the coffee wasn't all that hot and your face didn't get scratched up.

But be warned.


  1. I love how you tag that klutsy moves as if you expect to be posting a lot of other blog posts about klutsy moves. I am afraid for me that would be totally true. Glad you are okay. That sounds really awful.

  2. I am sooo sorry you fell. Urgh.
