Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Let's be a bit more mature...

What's wrong with us that we can't respect the presidency? Read this, laugh if you want, but then take a step back and think about how immature supposedly mature people can be.

I felt the same way at the 2001 inauguration when Dave and I were in the crowd with a group of friends. When the voice over the loudspeaker announced President Clinton's car the crowd booed and booed and booed. Some of our friends even booed and I think they were taken aback with me when I scolded them and told them to at least respect the office - you may not agree with the man (or hopefully, someday, woman) holding the office but please, please don't boo or throw shoes.

And by the way, I voted for Obama. Don't think I'm disgusted because I'm a sore loser.

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