Sunday, July 06, 2008

Dog Days of July

Dakota has been such a treat for us. She keeps me laughing and has really found a friend in Lucy. Lucy loves to hold her and cuddle and in such a sweet eight-year-old voice say, "How ya doing baby?" She (as in Lucy) has been the surprise here - we just assumed Sophie would be the main caretaker since she's the one that led the drive to get a dog. But instead, we've seen Lucy shine with taking out Dakota, playing with her, and even picking up the poop without being asked. By the way - we can thank our friend Carmyn for all the pics.


  1. Cute! I love the first picture!

  2. Even though I myself am a professed non-dog-lover (sorry!), I still have to say, what a cute kids would LOVE it!!!


  3. Hello Marci...somehow I stumbled upon your blog without even really looking for YOU...funny how the internet works, huh?

    Anyway, I love the dog pics! Dakota is adorable.
