Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Remembering Mavis via a Christmas Ornament

Even though the ears broke off this ornament a few days ago, I just can't bring myself to put it in the garbage. Which is quite silly of course - the sides of the reindeer's head are jagged glass and someone is bound to cut him/herself on it. But it was a gift from my friend Mavis - back in 1997, when Sophie was six months old and we didn't have any ornaments to decorate the tree because they were all lost in the flood.

I'm actually not very sentimental anymore - and I can thank the flood for that. It isn't that the only time I think of Mavis is when I see Mr. Reindeer- no, she's around in my thoughts at quite random times - like when I toast homemade bread and spread it with butter and cinnamon sugar, or when I see any sort of math manipulative, or even when I cook spiral rotini noodles. It's not that I can't put it in the garbage because of those sentimental reasons.

It's because of the eyes on the reindeer - they look just like Mavis' eyes - except that hers were a startling color of blue. The eyes must have the same shape, maybe eyelashes... I'm not sure. But everytime I go to put Mr. Reindeer in the garbage, I look at those eyes and think of Mavis... and I can't do it. They remind me too much of her - and she's no longer here on Earth to see. So, maybe someday down the road I'll nick my hand on the ornament. But for now it's here to stay - a special ornament from a special friend.

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