Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Coffee Philosophy

Today at my (almost) weekly coffee date with Karen we both found ourselves with tears in our eyes after a simple statement made by a Bolivian acquaintance, Roger. When Karen commented on how often he and his wife Galia have coffee together after dropping off their youngest son at school, he said something like, “But if we don’t, then I don’t get to see her until evening.” The thing is, he was genuine; he was serious – not trying to score points with Galia or Karen. This hit both of us deeply – as evidenced by the tears. Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t think it is a cultural thing. Some couples just do always seem so “together” - in the manner of love songs even. Are these the people that are soul mates? What defines soul mates from people in love with one another? Are soul mates always soul mates or do they go through rough patches?

Roger's comment reminds me of one of my favorite songs by Jack Johnson, Banana Pancakes. One section is, "…we got everything we need right here. And everything we need is enough. Just so easy when the whole world fits inside of your arms."

Whenever I hear the words, I get all mushy on the inside – the whole world fits inside of your arms. Wouldn’t our world be a better place if that’s what we all reached for, desired in our lives? So, today, take that significant other out for some coffee because you know what, otherwise you won’t get to see him or her until evening.

1 comment:

  1. I think the term soulmate is a bit overused and underdefined. But I definitely think you know when you have found your match. Jon and I are weirdos in this way. We are together as much as possible and really prefer each other's company to anybody elses. I feel very lucky to have this with him. And I feel I earned it with every bad guy I dated before he came into my life!

    We like to be together as much as we can but, of course, life intervenes and kids ruin a lot of the romance aspect of marriage.

    Here is something that we do...Jon gets up really early and is out the door w/out seeing me or the kids until dinner. I get up with him early on Tuesdays and Thursdays for coffee date at home. I brew the coffee on a timer the night before and we creep out of bed to watch a bit of the news and have coffee together in the dark. I have to say--it makes a big difference to him. And to me too. It starts his day off right! Even better than Starbucks...well....
