The dreaded foot surgery is over and the healing has begun. The surgery was Wednesday afternoon and when I woke up at 6 pm I found myself very thirsty, but in no pain. That's the way it's been since - not a heck of a lot of pain. I've only taken one pain pill at a time and spread it out to eight hours between doses. It's not that I'm trying to be a martyer, but the nausea and dizziness caused by the medicine is something I can do without. So, as of this morning, I'm down to only tylenol. Here's hoping it goes well.
The surgery itself was supposed to only last an hour, but besides the hammer toe repair on two toes, they did find a neuroma to take out as well as a tear to repair so it took 2 1/2 hours. When my doctor came to talk to me I had just woke up so I'm still kind of foggy on the details, but I'll see him tomorrow morning and find out more.
I've spent more time on the couch in the last four days than I think I have in all the last ten years - and it feels strange, very strange. Until today reading was making me dizzy, so I've spent the majority of time either watching TV or napping. The other night Dave came into the family room and said, "Thank God - the TV is on a channel other than TLC or HGTV!" I think he might be worrying that I'm getting remodeling ideas from all that television.
Glad you are doing okay. That baby has your bedhead do. He is very cute. Got to get my clean on. This house is trashed. Ugh.